Birds of prey

Last weekend I met up with a group of people to photograph some amazing birds!

We all met at a well known falconry in the Netherlands, De Valk.
Fun fact is that on this day I met with 2 friends who I haven’t seen for 13 years, it was really a warm welcome by them and the people from the falconry.

After a little coffee and briefing about the day we headed out to start photographing some ducks in the pool on the property, swiming in the pool were tufted ducks, common pochard and ????

white tailed eagle

White tailed-eagle

The first bird the owner of the falconry showed us was Hertog, a white-tailed eagle. This eagle is flying through a soccer stadium when one of the local soccer teams is playing a match, so he is quite famous!

It really is a beautiful eagle and it is very cool to see this bird from such a short distance.

We were able to see a lot of birds today and a special guest.

This pygmy mouse was just too cute to be true!
Super small but super active with climbing up and down the branch, quite difficult to capture it sharp and in the right position.

The owners showed us a few of my favourite birds, owls!!

I really love the look of them and how silent they are wen flying 10cm above your head, quite impressive!

Below you see the Ural owl, Oohoo, Long-eared owl and a Little owl.

All in all it was really a great day among the birds!


Spontanious winter photoshoot